Console Functions (autotransform.util.console)

Utility methods for getting user input for AutoTransform.

autotransform.util.console.choose_option(prompt: str, options: List[Tuple[T, List[str]]]) T

Prompts the user to choose one of a set of options using a string. User input is converted in to lower case.

  • prompt (str) – The prompt to give the user.

  • options (List[Tuple[T, List[str]]]) – The potential options to choose. The first value is the option, the second value is a list of potential aliases for the option.


The selected option

Return type:


autotransform.util.console.choose_options_from_list(prompt: str, options: List[Tuple[T, str]], min_choices: int = 1, max_choices: int = 1) List[T]

Prompts the user to choose one of a set of options using a list and having the user choose a number.

  • prompt (str) – The prompt for the user.

  • options (List[Tuple[T, str]]) – The options to choose from, where the first value in a Tuple is the option and the second value is the prompt for the list.

  • min_choices (int, optional) – The minimum number of selections to be made. Defaults to 1.

  • max_choices (int, optional) – The maximum number of selections to be made. Defaults to 1.


The chosen options.

Return type:


autotransform.util.console.choose_yes_or_no(prompt: str) bool

Gives the user a yes or no prompt.


prompt (str) – The prompt to give to the user.


If the user chose yes.

Return type:


autotransform.util.console.error(text: str) None

Prints a string of text as error to the console.


text (str) – The text to print.

autotransform.util.console.get_str(prompt: str, secret: bool = False) str

Prompts the user to input a value.

  • prompt (str) – The prompt to give to the user

  • secret (bool, optional) – Whether to use getpass for input. Defaults to False.


The input value.

Return type:

str str) None

Prints a string of text as info to the console.


text (str) – The text to print.

autotransform.util.console.input_int(prompt: str, min_val: int | None = None, max_val: int | None = None) int

Gets an integer input from the user within the specified range.

  • prompt (str) – The prompt to give the user.

  • min_val (Optional[int], optional) – The minimum acceptable value. Defaults to None.

  • max_val (Optional[int], optional) – The maximum acceptable value. Defaults to None.


The integer specified by the user.

Return type:


autotransform.util.console.input_ints(prompt: str, min_val: int | None = None, max_val: int | None = None, min_choices: int = 1, max_choices: int = 1) List[int]

Gets integers input from the user within the specified range.

  • prompt (str) – The prompt to give the user.

  • min_val (Optional[int], optional) – The minimum acceptable value. Defaults to None.

  • max_val (Optional[int], optional) – The maximum acceptable value. Defaults to None.

  • min_choices (int, optional) – The minimum number of selections to be made. Defaults to 1.

  • max_choices (int, optional) – The maximum number of selections to be made. Defaults to 1.


The integers specified by the user.

Return type:


autotransform.util.console.input_string(prompt: str, name: str, previous: str | None = None, default: str | None = None, secret: bool = False) str

Prompts the user to input a value, or potentially use a previously input value/default value.

  • prompt (str) – The prompt to give to the user.

  • name (str) – The name of the value being prompted for.

  • previous (Optional[str], optional) – The previously input value. Defaults to None.

  • default (Optional[str], optional) – The default value. Defaults to None.

  • secret (bool, optional) – Whether to use getpass for inputs. Defaults to False.


The value entered by the user.

Return type:
