Action (autotransform.step.action.base)

The base class and associated classes for Action components.

class autotransform.step.action.base.Action

Bases: NamedComponent

The base for Action components. Used by AutoTransform to perform some task on outstanding Changes based on Steps in the Manager. Tasks include options such as updating, abandoning, merging, and more.


The name of the component.



name: ClassVar[ActionName]
class autotransform.step.action.base.ActionName(value)

Bases: str, Enum

A simple enum for mapping.

ABANDON = 'abandon'
ADD_LABELS = 'add_labels'
ADD_OWNERS_AS_REVIEWERS = 'add_owners_as_reviewers'
ADD_OWNERS_AS_TEAM_REVIEWERS = 'add_owners_as_team_reviewers'
ADD_REVIEWERS = 'add_reviewers'
COMMENT = 'comment'
MERGE = 'merge'
NONE = 'none'
REMOVE_LABEL = 'remove_label'
UPDATE = 'update'