ScriptValidator (autotransform.validator.script)

The implementation for the ScriptValidator.

class autotransform.validator.script.ScriptValidator(*, args: List[str], script: str, failure_level: ValidationResultLevel = ValidationResultLevel.ERROR, per_item: bool = False, run_on_changes: bool = False)

Bases: Validator

Runs a script with the supplied arguments to perform validation. If the per_item flag is set to True, the script will be invoked on each Item. If run_on_changes is set to True, the script will replace the Batch Items with FileItems for each changed file. The failure_level indicates the result level if the script returns a non-zero exit code. Sentinel values can be used in args to provide custom arguments for a run. The available sentinel values for args are:

<<KEY>>: A json encoded list of the Items for a Batch. If the per_item flag is set

this will simply be the key of an Item.

<<EXTRA_DATA>>: A JSON encoded mapping from Item key to that Item’s extra_data. If the

per_item flag is set, this will simply be a JSON encoding of the Item’s extra_data. If extra_data is not present for an item, it is treated as an empty Dict.

<<METADATA>>: A JSON encoded version of the Batch’s metadata.

_FILE can be appended to any of these (i.e. <<KEY_FILE>>) and the arg will instead be replaced

with a path to a file containing the value.


The arguments to supply to the script.




The script to run.




The result level to use if validation fails. Defaults to ValidationResultLevel.ERROR.


ValidationResultLevel, optional


Whether to run the script on each item. Defaults to False.


bool, optional


Whether to replace the Items in the batch with FileItems for the changed files. Defaults to False.


bool, optional


The name of the Component.



args: List[str]
check(batch: Batch, _transform_data: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]) ValidationResult

Runs the script validation against the Batch, either on each item individually or on the entire Batch, based on the per_item flag. If the script returns a non-zero exit code, the failure_level will be in the result.

  • batch (Batch) – The transformed Batch to validate.

  • _transform_data (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]) – Data from the transformation. Unused.


The result of the validation check indicating the severity of any

validation failures as well as an associated message

Return type


failure_level: ValidationResultLevel
name: ClassVar[ValidatorName] = 'script'
per_item: bool
run_on_changes: bool
script: str