ScheduleRunEvent (autotransform.event.schedulerun)

The ScheduleRunEvent is triggered whenever an AutoTransformSchema is scheduled to be run by the schedule command of the AutoTransform script.

class autotransform.event.schedulerun.ScheduleRunEvent(data: TData)

Bases: Event[ScheduleRunEventData]

A ScheduleRunEvent is triggered whenever an AutoTransformSchema is scheduled to be run by the schedule command and logs the schedule.

static get_logging_level() LoggingLevel

The logging level for events of this type.


The logging detail required to log this event.

Return type


static get_type() EventType

Used to represent the type of Event, output to logs.


The unique type associated with this Event.

Return type


class autotransform.event.schedulerun.ScheduleRunEventData

Bases: TypedDict

The data for a ScheduleRunEvent. Contains the information that will be logged when the event is triggered.

schema_name: str