CachedFile (autotransform.util.cachedfile)

CachedFile is a utility class used by AutoTransform to cache file content on read/write to reduce excessive file reads and speed up processing. The FILE_CACHE variable stores cached file contents, while a CachedFile object is used to interact with the cache. All writes should go through the CachedFile object to ensure the cache is properly updated.

class autotransform.util.cachedfile.CachedFile(path: str)

Bases: object

A wrapper that allows accessing cached file contents. Content is stored in the FILE_CACHE variable. Writing files outside the CachedFile write method can lead to invalid cache data.


The path of the file being cached.



get_content() str

Gets the file contents from the cache if present. If not present, it will read the file contents and cache it before returning.


The contents of the file represented by this object.

Return type


path: str
write_content(new_content: str) None

Updates the content of a cached file, including writing the file.


new_content (str) – The content to put in the file.